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3 Tiers Foam Dog Ramps/Steps Non-Slip Dog Steps for Beds Or Couches 
Give Your Furry Friend a Soft Ramp, Easily Climb to Their Favorite Place!
Our 3-tier foam dog ramp measures 23″ x 16.5″ x 15.5″ (L x W x H) and loads up to 66 lbs, which is suitable for short-legged dogs or pets who suffer from arthritis, joint stiffness, or other mobility impairments, allowing them to climb up or go down the bed, sofa, or stool at will. The pet stairs ladder is filled with thick foam with high resilience and strong support, which is not easy to deform. And it is covered by premium suede fabric to improve friction, so the pet would not slip when moving on it. Moreover, the bottom cloth with silicone paw prints can also add friction to prevent the ramp from moving, ensuring safety during use. The ramp’s cover is equipped with zippers that allow you to detach the cover for cleaning, and it is machine washable. Special Notice: Our pet ladder is packed in a vacuum compression package, and it may take some time (48 hours or more, depending on the ambient temperature) to completely rebound.
The high-density foam filling provides ultra-soft touches, not easy to deform, durable
The non-slip suede fabric surface ensures excellent stability and safety when climbing
The zippered suede fabric cover can be easily detached for daily cleaning
The bottom cloth with silicone paw prints prevents slipping or tipping over
Adopts a gentle arch slope and wider steps, protect pets’ knees and legs
Without any corners or edges, prevent hurting from accidental collisions
The bottom cloth features a variety of silicone paw prints, adding friction
Adopts vacuum compression packing, keeps the sponge in good condition during transportation
Suitable for small dogs, old pets, mobility-impaired pets, or short-legged dogs
Color: Coffee
Material: Suede Fabric, Sponge
Overall Dimensions: 23″ x 16.5″ x 15.5″ (L x W x H)
Height of Each Step: 5.5″/10.5″/15.5″
Weight Capacity:66 lbs
Net Weight: 4.5 lbs
Package Includes:
1 x 3-Tier Foam Dog Ramp
1 x User’s Manual
▌ Contact & Returns:
If you have questions about purchases from us, please feel free to contact us through Aliexpress’s Message Center.
Items should be returned in their original product packaging and all accessories in the original shipment must be included if you would return the item.
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